Environmental dictionary
With so many words and phrases related to the environment, it can be hard to keep track of what all of them actually mean. We have created a list of all the terminology that the products in circulation can be marked.
Biodegradable plastic can be degraded by the action of naturally occurring microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, etc. over some time. It can be decomposed in industrial or home compost.
Material that is wholly or partially made of input materials coming from biological origin. It includes natural living organisms, plants, algae. It does not include geological and fossilized materials.
A macromolecule that is created by living organisms, that is naturally occurring. It includes, for example,cellulose in trees, the starch in the corn, PHB in a microbial environment, proteins in cells, or the natural rubber.
It is a macromolecule that is prepared by technological processing from natural sources (biomass), such as PLA, bio-PE, PBAT, bio-PET. It is bio-based in whole or in part, but not always biodegradable.
This includes biomaterials (bioplastics, biocomposites filled with natural fibers, bio foams), biochemicals (cosmetics, pharmaceuticals), and bioenergy (biofuel, biomass for combustion), which are in part or in whole made of renewable resources.
Items that can be disintegrated by the microbial action in compost into small pieces within 90 days and do not release toxic residue are considered compostable. Things like newspapers, eggshells, coffee grounds, fruits, vegetables, etc. can all be composted. They break down into nutrient-rich humus which can be used as fertilizer. Composting can happen on individual, communal, and industrial levels. Composting helps to reduce the amount of food waste that gets sent to the landfill.
Carbon neutral
Many actions in our lives and in the industry lead to the release of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas. To improve the climate, it is required to neutralize the carbon footprint, for example, by planting trees or donating money to organizations working on the reduction of carbon emissions.
It is a study of relationships between organisms and the environment and between organisms to each other.
Ecological (eco)
This term is commonly and informally used for products or materials that are environmentally friendly.
Eco-friendly / Environmentally Friendly / Planet-Friendly
A broad term used for products and materials which are made specifically to reduce the negative effects on the environment. Also reducing the use of non-renewable resources in sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, use, and disposal. This term applies to activities and services.
A product or material which does not come from human-made origins (which was formed in the environment without human intervention), e.g., timber, leather, beeswax, etc.
A substance which is not poisonous or hazardous to a living organism’s health, well-being, and survival.
Non-Renewable Resource
A resource such as a raw material that cannot be regenerated, replaced, or restored within a human lifetime. Examples of such materials are fossil fuels (gas, coal, petroleum), minerals, or metal areas.
Recycling is one step included in the 3R concept. Recycling is a process to convert new materials from the waste. In waste management, it is an important principle that helps to fulfil the circular economy by minimalizing the residues.
Certain materials may be recycled, and the polymer matrix can be reused. The customers can identify recyclable material by a triangle formed by 3 arrows, usually indicated by a number and an abbreviation.
The process of using recycled materials for manufacturing new products. The materials, however, go down in quality compared to their state in the original product. This process is an invaluable and essential aspect of recycling.
Upcycling/creative reuse
The process of using waste objects to create new things with higher quality. It usually involves home and garden decoration, furniture, or fashion. As an example, handbags formed from the plastic package, or plant pots created from the egg boxes.
Waste management
Waste management is based on a waste management hierarchy, according to which, the priority is waste avoidance. If waste cannot be prevented, the following step is a preparation of reuse, recycling, other uses, including energy recovery, if none of this is possible, then its removal. [1]
Sustainable development
Sustainable development considers economic growth, social values, and natural wealth. It is based on the social, environmental, and economic pillars, and these are closely linked and one of them cannot be given priority over the others. The basis of sustainable development is to preserve the quality of life and meet the needs of current generations, without compromising the needs of future generations and other people.
Past and present development has been based primarily on economic growth, which has irreversibly affected the image and functioning of our planet. It was a development on debt that needs to become even. Therefore, the term “sustainability” is currently most linked to the environmental and social pillars. [2]
[1] https://www.mzp.cz/cz/odpadove_hospodarstvi
[2] https://www.mzp.cz/cz/udrzitelny_rozvoj